Health Insurance

Health insurance is an insurance product which covers medical and surgical expenses of an insured individual. It reimburses the expenses incurred due to illness or injury or pays the care provider of the insured individual directly.

Need for Health Insurance

  1. Medicare or medical costs are rising year on year.
  2. Medicare costs usually escalate in double digits faster than inflation.
  3. Health insurance plans cover as many as 30 critical illnesses and over 80 surgical procedures.
  4. Health insurance becomes critical for financial well being of the family.

Benefits of Health insurance()


Health Insurance provides Health cover. It provides financial protection to you and your family when the covered members are diagnosed with some critical illness.

On one hand Quality of heath is deteriorating fast due to the amount of stress individual go through either due to work pressure, financial stress, strained relationship, increasing pollutions, changing lifestyle & food habits, while on the other hand the medical cost is raising faster than the inflation making many individuals financially unaffordable to access medical care.

Health insurance policy provides you and your family with suitable health care making you financially affordable for good medical care.


Get in touch with us for protecting yourself & family against health risk arising to covered members. Health insurance provides access and affordability to Quality medical care.


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